Oxford Reading Tree presentation

I presented at the Tokyo ETJ Expo yesterday, which was great. Lots of very good presenters, lots of keen teachers, lots of good content.

My powerpoint slides are available here in pdf format:
101107 ORT English through Stories

Halloween Parties

Last week was Halloween party week at Cambridge English. Halloween seems to be an integral part of children’s EFL in Japan, whether we like it or not. It is expected by students, parents, and teachers, whether at public schools or private eikaiwas.

My thinking on Halloween has gone through various stages. I’m going to list them below. You should also know that Halloween has no particular significance to me: I didn’t celebrate it growing up and my main exposure to it has been through Hollywood films.

1. Stage one: infatuation

As a new ALT in a junior high school, I loved the novelty of Halloween: dressing up, talking about interesting cultural concepts, bringing fun material and activities into the classroom. Under the guise of ‘teaching about foreign culture’, I had free reign to dress up as a ghost and do word searches for a week or two. The students, as far as I remember, were mostly bemused.

2. Stage two: numbness

After a couple of years, Halloween became a bit dull for me. Doing the same old activities and explanations just didn’t cut it any more. I looked for more purposeful activities, but found it difficult to justify taking the time away from ‘proper study’.

3 Stage three: business opportunity?

When I got involved with Cambridge English, Halloween became a chance to reach out to potential students and expose them to our school, with the ultimate aim of increasing enrollment. We staged large elaborate Halloween parties, with guest teachers and performers, lots of games, dressing up, and encouraged the students to bring as many guests as they could.

4: Stage four: backlash

Three years later, I realised that after all our efforts, expense, and time, we had a grand total of zero new students from Halloween events. Guests came and had a good time, but none of them came back to have trial lessons or join the school. I also started resenting the amount of time (both class time and teacher preparation time) that was going into Halloween. I felt that our educational goals were not being met. We changed from large Halloween events to doing Halloween parties in each class at this time.

5: Stage five: acceptance

We just finished Halloween week, and did some kind of Halloween thing in each class, ranging from full on Halloween parties with kindy classes to just dressing up and giving out chocolates with adult private students. I have changed my attitude towards Halloween again.

We had a great time this week. The students enjoyed dressing up and having slightly more frivolous lessons than normal. The teachers also enjoyed dressing up, and guests also seemed to have a good time. I guess my take on Halloween now is that it is a bit of a break, a reward for our students for all their hard work throughout the year, and a chance to show off the school for a week or so.

You can see some pictures from our parties here.

What’s your take on Halloween parties for EFL classes in Japan? Worthwhile or a waste of time?

TED online videos

Is there anyone out there who isn’t watching TED videos regularly?

Just in case, here are my three favourite ones:

1. Hans Rosling’s 2006 talk on poverty and statistics. Funny, compelling, jaw-dropping, illuminating.

2. Ken Robinson’s 2006 talk on creativity and education. Inspiring, funny, moving.

3. Ray Kurzweil’s 2005 talk on technological change. Amazing, unbelievable, futuristic, hopeful.

And an honourable mention: William Kamkwamba’s talk about building a windmill. Heart-warming, inspiring, wonderful.

What are your favourites? Please post them in the comments and give me more excuses to avoid my MA essay…

Literal music videos -a fun homework assignment?

I was doing some research on Youtube the other day (heh) when I came across an interesting subculture. It seems there are quite a few people that enjoy redoing music videos so that the lyrics describe what is happening in the video. You can see one of my favourites below (the Smashing Pumpkins, doing a teenage angst song from my misguided youth):

I showed it to my daughter and she mentioned that it might be good to practice English with, as it is fairly understandable and has subtitles.

What do you think? There are hundreds of these things on Youtube. They might make a fun homework assignment or filler activity in class…

Conference season

I just received the following list of conferences from a JALT newsletter:

PAC 2010 / Korea Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (KOTESOL)   
October 16-17, 2010   
Seoul, South Korea
English Teaching Association of the Republic of China (ETA-ROC)   
November 12-14, 2010   
Taipei, Taiwan
Thailand TESOL (ThaiTESOL)
January 21-22, 2011
Chiang Mai, Thailand
CamTESOL Conference (Cambodia)  
February 26-27, 2011  
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)  
March 16-19, 2011  
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
April 15-19, 2011
Brighton, UK
I have never been to a conference outside of Japan, so I’m really interested in heading to KoTESOL or Thai TESOL (I can’t make the others as I have other plans). IATEFL or TESOL would also be nice, but might be outside of my budget for this year 😉
Does anyone have any advice as to which of these would be most interesting?

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