Extensive Reading Rant

My first video for the iTDI Making ELT Videos course


The second week assignment for the iTDI Making ELT Videos course was to make a video. Here’s my sad attempt 🙂

It was rushed, shot on two devices, edited with Windows Movie Maker (which in my opinion is complete garbage -need better software). No music, had real trouble putting the screenshots in (hence the messed up audio from halfway through), didn’t do proper lighting, forgot to add links and a call to action…

BUT, I learned a huge amount and had fun. Looking forward to doing a better job with the second one.


iTDI Making ELT Videos Course



I’m taking an iTDI course for the first time, with the enthusiastic Vicky Hollet, about making ELT videos.



We had the first session last night (22:00 Japan time) and I think it’s going to be a good fit for me. I have special permission to share the first session.

Check it out here and you can still join the course for the next three sessions if you like it. Possibly the best thing about the course is having access to Vicky, her collaborator Jay, and the other course participants, There’s a private community for asking questions, asking for feedback, etc.

If all goes well I should be making more videos going forward.

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