CLaSIC 2018

I enjoyed attending and presenting at the Eighth CLS International Conference in Singapore this week.

Thank you to everyone that attended my presentation and especially to those that asked questions or talked to me afterwards.

Here are my slides in PDF format:

Please feel free to leave a comment or contact me by email if you have any questions.

ERWC4: The Last Lecture

Went pretty well

workshop participants


I attended the Extensive Reading World Congress last week and gave my last presentation on teaching. Over sixty people were kind enough to attend the 2.5 hour workshop, and we had a very productive session.

The workshop was run PDR style, and we were able to cover four of the five topics I had prepared.

You can see the slides here, and the worksheets here. I think the content would be useful for someone thinking about starting or developing an ER program to work through.

Please feel free to post any questions or comments below.

The Last Lecture (well, workshop)

ER Program Design and Implementation

Extensive Reading World Congress, Toyo Gakuen, Tokyo
Friday August 4th, 15:30-18:00

At the beginning of next month I’ll be doing a pre-conference workshop at the Extensive Reading World Congress in Tokyo. This will be my last presentation on education.

The title is the same as the book I have been thinking about writing for the last few years. The content too. In a way, it’s the summary of the last ten years of my work as a teacher. I hope it comes together the way I would like it to. If it does it should be a pretty comprehensive introduction to all aspects of designing and running an extensive reading program at the institutional level.

It’s a workshop, so we’ll be doing work. I’m going to use the PDR (preparation, discussion, reaction) framework to structure the group discussions and will cover the following areas:

  1. Designing a Program
  2. Selling a Program
  3. Setting up a Program
  4. Running a Program
  5. Leaving a Program

If you come to the conference I hope you will consider spending a couple of hours with us on Friday. I can almost guarantee you will find it useful.

If you have any questions before the event feel free to post them in the comments below.

14 Jun 2015, 8:56am
conference presentations


PRESENTATION 6th Annual Shikoku JALT Conference


I had a great time at the Shikoku JALT Conference in Tokushima yesterday. Great crowd, some interesting presentations, and a nice dinner to finish off.

As promised, here are the slides from my talk: 1506 JALT Shikoku

Hope to make it back down here sometime for a bike tour of the island!

PRESENTATION 6th Annual Shikoku JALT Conference -Tokushima

hands gesturing

I’ll be giving a presentation tomorrow at the Annual Shikoku JALT Conference in Tokushima. Details are here.

My presentation is at 13:50 in room 302, on Integrating Presenting Skills into the Classroom. Very meta indeed.

Hope to see some of you there.

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