30 Oct 2005, 10:05pm

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Halloween is over. At last…

29 Oct 2005, 10:09pm

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Is it normal to have your 11 year old stepdaughter whaling on your leg? And for your wife to get all competitive with her, trying to be the one kicking you hardest?

‘Cause that’s what happened about ten minutes ago. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to walk tomorrow 😉

On a seasonal note we had a Halloween party at one of our classrooms yesterday. The best costume was a kid called Nobu who came in a Nixon full face mask and spent the whole time shouting: “my name Bush”.

It was great.

28 Oct 2005, 12:42am

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I walked into a doorframe today hard enough to draw blood.

In my own house!

27 Oct 2005, 11:12pm

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Been shopping for office gadgets. This motivated me to clean the office up. Sections of desk and floor that haven’t seen daylight for fifteen months are blinking in the sunshine, and the cat is striding around on top of the desk looking puzzled.

Of course things aren’t spotless, but it’s a pretty good start (and we now have a fax machine).

26 Oct 2005, 11:33pm

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Your credit is no good here

We just got told that the travel agent we were planning on using doesn’t take credit cards. Hmmm. Then we found out the other one doesn’t either. WTF?

Even after five and a half years, Japan still has the capacity to baffle me. I guess everyone else here has the kind of cash reserves to pay for 600,000 yen’s worth of tickets just lying around undere a futon somewhere.

Kind of threw a spanner in the works regarding our holiday plans, but we’ll scrounge some money out of somewhere -I already told my Nan we were coming over, so the trip IS going to happen.

Very tired today. I think the two hour bike ride yesterday is catching up with me 😉

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