The Best Clicky Thing

This is the best clicky thing (computer remote control for powerpoint presentations) I have seen so far. I have one, I love it, and I saw three other people using them at the ER Seminar on Sunday.

If you’re looking for a clicky thing, or you’re a presenter and you don’t have one yet, you could do much worse than buying it online from Amazon (that is an affiliate link, if you don’t want to use it just search for Logicool R-800 on Amazon or online).

Extensive Reading Seminar 2011

I just got back from the 2011 ER Seminar, held in Okayama this year.

Had a good time, attended some useful presentations, and saw a bunch of great people. The best conference I have been to in a long time. Especially enjoyed the plenaries and Nakano sensei’s presentation. Got some actionable ideas to adopt(steal) for my classes.

Okayama also seemed like a nice place during the very limited time I was there 🙂

Miles Grogan was kind enough to shoot my presentation for me with my iPhone, so I have finally managed to upload one of my presentations to Youtube:

The quality is not great, but you get the idea. Here are the slides:

110213 Expanding an ER Program

Oxford Teaching Workshop and ER Seminar in Okayama

Oxford Teaching Workshop 2011

Oxford Teaching Workshop

This morning went very well, thanks to everyone who came along! You can find the powerpoint file in .pdf format below, and I should have the video up once I get it back from the kind folks at OUP.

Next stop is the ER Seminar in Okayama next Sunday, where I’ll be presenting about how to expand an extensive reading program beyond a single class. Hope to see you there!

PDF file below:
Reading in Class Open the Door

4 Feb 2011, 7:53am

1 comment

Oxford Teaching Workshop (Feb 6th in Sendai)

I’ll be presenting again as part of the Oxford Teaching Workshop 2011. It’ll be taking place in Sendai, at the Sun Plaza Hotel, on Sunday Feb 6th.

The lineup is as follows:

Sunday, February 6, 2011
10:00-10:30 Registration
10:30-11:20 Reading in Class: Opening the Door to an English World
Ben Shearon
11:40-12:30 The Ladder of Learning: A step-by-step approach to teaching young learners
Kathleen Kampa and Charles Vilina
12:30-13:30 Lunch
13:30-14:20 Large or small, teach them all!
Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto
15:00 Doors Close

I’ll be talking mainly about using the Oxford Reading Tree and other story books in class. Hope to see some of you there!

Social Skills Written Test

You’ve probably seen this already, it’s all over the English J-web, but just in case (thanks to goodandbadjapan):

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