VIDEO: Extensive Reading EFL Class Orientation

I was hoping to post this video yesterday, but I ran into technical problems (three of the students wandered into the shot, and I wasn’t comfortable posting something with students’ faces visible without getting permission from them and the university). Much easier to just try again with another class this morning 🙂

So, this is the first session of one of my extensive reading classes at Tohoku University. This is the orientation class, so we briefly run through what ER is and how our ER program works. After the video ends, the students start reading low-level graded readers. We managed to get about fifteen minutes of silent reading in class.

The ER@TU program is described in our forthcoming bilingual handbook. I will have a few copies of this to give away at the ACLL later this month, the Pan-SIG conference in May, the ER World Congress in September, and JALT National in October -please let me know if you want one or just come and find me at the conference.

Please post any questions below or on the Facebook page.

Do you think there’s enough readers out there in other languages to apply this method? Perhaps French or Spanish, but I think it might be difficult to find 30K characters of material in Japanese of the proper level.

Hey William
Last time I checked, no. Might have changed though!
The closest alternative is probably looking online and doing advanced google searches on reading level… even that doesn’t work very well. Guess the language markets for graded readers in other languages just aren’t big enough.
Gap in the market?

Thanks for putting this up, Ben. Our discussions have covered some of this, and I can really see how you put your classes together now. Mine start next week. Maybe I’ll record my opening lesson, too.

Hi Glenski
Would very much like to see your intro too 🙂


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