Get a Job Teaching English in Japan
My second ebook, Get a Job Teaching English in Japan, is free on Amazon Kindle for the next couple of days. It’s aimed at people new to Japan, but I would be really grateful if you would grab a copy and leave an honest review on Amazon. The book is available in all the Kindle stores and you should be able to find it with a simple search.
If you have any comments about the content, please let me know! One of the nice things about Kindle is that you can fix mistakes after ‘printing’.
Thanks for all your support.
50k: thank you
This blog passed 50,000 views last week. Thanks for reading!
Hope to be of value to you in the future.
Site Problems
Apologies if you tried to access the site over the last couple of days. One of the wordpress plugins I was using crashed the site, locking me (and you) out. It was my first web problem, and took me longer to fix than it should have (short version: should have asked web host provider for help first).
We’ll be back to normal tomorrow!
conference extensive reading Language learning presentations video
by sendaiben
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ER program development (workshop at ERWC)
This is our workshop from the 2nd Extensive Reading World Congress last month.
What do you want to read about?
As part of my efforts to make this blog more professional (read about the previous step, setting a schedule) I would like to hear what readers are interested in seeing here: what kind of posts would be useful or interesting for you?