The daily practice


A short comment today. The concept behind this Bill Gates quote “most people overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in ten years” has been on my mind recently.

I’ve also seen it in my students’ and in my own life.

As one example, I recently started studying kanji again (you’d think I’d have this by now, after thirteen years in Japan) and have resolved to use Anki for 10-30 minutes in the morning each day before doing anything else. I have mostly kept on top of this and now after a couple of months I have done over six hours of focused kanji study*.

Doesn’t sound like much, but I am noticing the effects when reading and more importantly writing in Japanese.

The point is that seemingly insignificant daily habits can have a huge payoff. What are your daily habits?


*I’m using the Core 2000 and 6000 and JALUP RTK decks to study from.

Love that Gates quote. Very true. Applies just as well to how much we can do in one day versus ten days!

Definitely! Although this weekend may contradict this for me slightly 🙂

ebook (e-essay?) finished and uploaded -just waiting for it to be approved by Amazon. Future blog post, methinks!


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