JALT Pan-SIG 2013 @ Nanzan University in Nagoya: May 18-19


I’ll be attending and presenting at one of my favourite conferences, the JALT Pan-SIG, this weekend.

I love the pan-SIG because it is a gathering of teachers that belong to special-interest groups (the SIGs) that focus on things they are passionate about. The quality of the presentations and interactions at pan-SIG is always very high, and I always come away with new information, techniques, and memories.

I’ll be presenting on Saturday at 14:30, on student reactions to extensive reading classes.

The full schedule is here.

Hope to see a lot of you there!

Hi Ben! Got to work on Saturday. Sorry that I can’t attend your presentation. However, hope to see you Sunday.
Have a great presentation!
Mark in Gifu

Hi Mark
Thanks! I see it as more of a casual chat with friends, to be honest… hope to have one of those on Sunday too šŸ™‚


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