Extensive Reading Rant

My first video for the iTDI Making ELT Videos course


The second week assignment for the iTDI Making ELT Videos course was to make a video. Here’s my sad attempt 🙂

It was rushed, shot on two devices, edited with Windows Movie Maker (which in my opinion is complete garbage -need better software). No music, had real trouble putting the screenshots in (hence the messed up audio from halfway through), didn’t do proper lighting, forgot to add links and a call to action…

BUT, I learned a huge amount and had fun. Looking forward to doing a better job with the second one.


You make it sound sooooo fun! 🙂

The course is great. Mainly because it gives you a chance to ask questions to people who know what they are talking about, and because it forces you to take action -I’ve been thinking about making videos for years, but never got round to starting…


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