Another view of the future of education?

The latter half of this video may be of interest to teachers (the first half is just generally interesting, particularly if you are a closet entrepreneur wannabe). Similar to Ken Robinson’s famous talks on the same subject.


Very, very awesome video. It really gives a great insight on what entrepreneurship actually means! A lot of people have this fantasy that being an entrepreneur means relaxing forever at the beach with the money rolling endlessly into their bank account… but that’s not it. I’m willing to bet that entrepreneurs work MUCH harder than employees… but also achieve the greatest results.

Thanks a lot for sharing this video sendaiben! 😀

No problem. I like your kanji learning page, but my spam filter didn’t 🙂

17 Aug 2011, 12:52am
by alohastephen


Hello from Fukuoka! I came across your blog after noticing you on milepoint.

Great video! I think that part of Ken’s message to the crowd can tie into what Dr. Tim Murphey brings up here:

If learning languages can become more of a game than rote memorization, students will spend more time increasing their fluency.

Thanks for dropping by. Always nice to meet a fellow MPer!

The challenge is definitely how to set learners up so they can use the language outside of the classroom, and support their efforts to do so. Personally I do that with extensive (free) reading, online study tools, and as much enthusiasm as I can muster 🙂


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