22 Nov 2013, 8:21am
high school jobhunting Language learning op-ed study abroad university
by sendaiben

high school jobhunting Language learning op-ed study abroad university
by sendaiben
Japanese Students Studying Abroad
Here is an interesting article about Japanese students and the demand for study abroad programs (thanks Glenski).
*image stolen from the MOFA website
This seems to be a perennial topic of discussion, and there is much hand-wringing about how few students actually plan to study overseas.
To me this seems quite simple: I believe students are on the whole rational actors. Facing them are a range of issues:
- there are significant financial costs associated with studying overseas
- there is limited support for students to study overseas from universities and schools (generally students have to take time off from their studies)
- companies pay lip service to internationalization, but study abroad does not seem to help with job hunting and in fact hinders it greatly if students are away in their third and fourth years
- students don’t have the necessary language skills to study abroad after going through the normal English educational system in Japan
If these factors were flipped, particularly the third one, I am sure we would see interest rise.
What do you think? Is the system at fault or are Japanese students really the passive, docile, unadventurous generation that some media tries to make them out to be?