Extensive Reading Foundation 2016 Language Learner Literature Awards

It’s the Oscars of the ER world

ERF 2016 LLL Awards finalists

I’m really happy to post finalists of the ER Foundation LLL Awards for this year. Lots of interesting looking books. I already wrote about Vera the Alien Hunter, and I’m looking forward to checking out the Malala biography very much.

I am slightly disappointed by the large number of rewrites of classic books. I don’t understand why publishers churn out version after version of Tom Sawyer, the Happy Prince, etc. I guess it’s cheaper than writing new content, but two-thirds of the finalists in the higher categories are rewrites this year. I will be voting for original stories over rewrites, and also take this into account when buying books.

Extensive Reading Foundation Language Learner Literature Awards 2016 Finalists

Online comments  April 1 – June 30, 2015 at www.erfoundation.org
Winners to be announced at the following vocabulary conferences:
Sept. 12-14: .  Winners announced online and at the Vocab@Tokyo Conference, 12-14 September, Meiji Gakuin University, Tokyo.   Info: https://sites.google.com/site/vocabattokyo/

You can see all the finalists on this PDF flyer: ERF_2016_Flyer_Final, and the judges comments are here: finalists 2016 with comments.

See anything you like the look of?


Good point about re-writes. Seems like most of the big publishers just do the same ones. How many EFL versions are needed?! They also tend to be harder for students to follow and understand compared to original stories. Have you found this?

Yes. I have lost count of how many versions of Tom Sawyer there are. I think once there are a couple of versions of a given classic, maybe it’s time to focus on something else?

I get the feeling they are safer as well as cheaper (name recognition and no copyright). Still, though…

Hopefully the market will reward publishers who take a risk and produce interesting new content.


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