10 Ways to Prevent Aging/Burnout

A nice cheery topic for you all today

head in hands

It’s been a tough ten years.

It’s been a wonderful ten years as well in many ways, but working two or three jobs, six or seven days a week for years on end takes its toll.

Some days I just want to give up.

A few times I have felt completely crushed and unable to teach.

Burnout is real, and is a major danger to teachers as teaching is one of those jobs that you can’t stop at 5pm and leave behind at the office.

Right now I am enjoying myself again, but it was a close thing a few times.

As far as I can tell, there are a few ways to reduce the chance of burnout. Coincidentally, all of them are likely to make you happier too 🙂

10 Ways to Reduce the Chance of Burnout

  1. Autonomy -the more control you have over your work, the more you will enjoy it
  2. Collaboration -working together with others on projects
  3. Comrades -working with people you respect who are easy to work with
  4. Growth -your job changes as you get more experienced or your interests evolve
  5. Health -exercise and good food
  6. Purpose -if you believe in what you are doing it is more satisfying
  7. Rest -having some time off regularly, preferably one or two days a week
  8. Results -seeing results makes it all worth it
  9. Rewards -financial or otherwise, being rewarded for your efforts makes a big difference
  10. Sleep -getting enough every day, not just recharging at the weekend

One of my major goals this year is to work on these for myself. There is no point in succeeding at work if it destroys your enjoyment of life.

How about you? Are you heading for burnout?

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