Doing Stuff: the Art of Productivity
I wrote a long post about productivity on my personal finance blog today. Wasn’t really sure which blog to put it on (it kind of fits both) so cross-posting here.
Check it out!
Today is a Leap Day so I am going to write a retrospective post.
I started this blog over ten years ago, on Blogger. Since then I have moved it to my own domain using WordPress and written 359 posts. This will be post 360.
It’s not the most successful blog, mainly because I haven’t been consistent in putting time and effort into it, and also because the teacher blog space is a little bit crowded. Lots of teachers with things to share and time on their hands out there
The main achievement is the longevity, I guess. Eleven years and counting.
I’ve enjoyed sharing ideas with people and reading their comments. The blog has 941 comments (although at least half of those are probably mine).
WordPress tells me the blog has had 137,448 views.
My most popular post by far is the throwaway one I wrote about bungee jumping. By a factor of at least ten.
There is also a sendaiben Youtube channel, with 7,390 views so far. It mainly has videos of my presentations, but I am thinking of putting more effort into it by making some shorter videos on teaching topics.
Looking back, there is a fair amount of good content on here, but it’s hard to find. I should probably go back and curate old posts, either putting them into ebook format or making better categories. Another project for the to-do list? I’m actually writing a post about to-do lists and productivity at the moment.
So there you go. More than you wanted to know about
How about you? How do you see this site? What would you like to see more of?
Derek Sivers had a(nother) great idea recently: a /now page. You can see his here and mine by clicking on the menu on the right.
More 2014 retrospection
WordPress puts together quite a nice ‘Your Blog in 2014’ package. You can see the one for here:
Next up, goals for 2015.
blogging facebook goals life in Japan: delete facebook facebook productivity time management
by sendaiben
So long, and thanks for all the likes
This isn’t the first time I have walked away from Facebook, or at least tried to. Unlike this essay, I don’t think the internet is the best place to live your life.
There is a lot to like (ha ha) about Facebook. It does provide a community, something that is particularly important here in Japan as it can get lonely otherwise. It allows you to keep up with people that you don’t see often and probably wouldn’t think to call or email.
In its pure form, I would probably have kept my account. However, Facebook has made a number of important changes recently that really degraded the experience for me:
- not showing all my friends’ posts
- not showing things in chronological order and bringing posts back to the top every time someone likes or comments on them
- showing things my friends like or comment on
- showing ads that have some tenuous link to a friend
- not showing all posts from pages or communities
- not sending posts from pages to more than 10% of the community without payment
- co-operating with the NSA
- the new microphone listen function on phones
Facebook is also a time-suck, and was starting to get in the way of things I would rather be working on. At the end of the day I get much more pleasure out of writing something on this blog, or an article, or reading a book, or meeting someone for coffee than by hanging out on Facebook.
I’m going to keep my account for now (for the pages) but I have unfriended everyone except my wife and don’t plan to use the account in a personal capacity again. We’ll see how long I last this time
How about you? How do you view your Facebook usage?