A Personal Update

It’s been a while
It’s been a while since I wrote about anything other than the Fluency Course, which now has its own website so please go there for updates 🙂
I’m doing okay. Certainly can’t complain. The Age of Covid has been pretty stressful but we weathered the storm better than many.
My wife’s school managed to get the same number of new students as the number of students that left/graduated. In addition, 50 of our elementary school students started junior high school and stayed at the school. As our JHS fees are much higher, this was a net increase in revenue for the school.
But the kindy and elementary school first year classes are looking (understandably) bare.
I wasn’t expecting to still be in this situation over a year into the pandemic, but we are so we just need to deal with it and hope that business will be better if things get a bit more resolved.
In the meantime we are spending a lot of time and money on upgrading the school, through lesson planning and materials development (mainly making Google slides for every single class), investing in classrooms and equipment (two large TVs in each classroom, upgraded internet and new routers in every room for the school, more readers for our ER program), and writing new materials (I’m finally getting started on the fluency phonics course I have been planning for over a decade).
On a personal level I have some new health issues (had surgery last month and am learning to walk properly again and trying to get back into fighting shape) and I’ll be transitioning to self-employment from next April! It’s a bit scary but I’m looking forward to it.
Fluency Course Blog
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The Fluency Course site now has a blog, and the most recent post might be of interest.
Academy curriculum junior high school materials publishing textbooks
by sendaiben
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Fluency Course Website
We finally have a dedicated website for the Fluency Course materials. It’s very embrionic at the moment, but eventually will have digital samples from all the books, teacher guides, order forms, etc.
I will still post updates here and write about how we are running our Academy classes, etc. but for the latest information about the Fluency Course textbooks please go to our website.
curriculum junior high school language courses materials textbooks
by sendaiben
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Fluency Course 2021 ed.
It has evolved again
I am once again here to explain how our materials are evolving without being able to provide a firm date you will be able to order them, prices, or any other useful information.
The good news is that the latest evolution has made them much more user-friendly and more commercially viable.
The bad news is that we are unlikely to have them ready for people to order before March.
As we discussed in September last year (September? Really? Feels like several years ago), we were able to consolidate the speaking cards into worksheets and thus remove a hugely time-consuming and expensive constraint. After using the worksheets for several months, I can happily say they are just as good as the index cards were, and much more user-friendly.
However, five textbooks per year, plus a bunch of extra things that would need to be downloaded/printed, was not ideal.
So now we have managed to consolidate the components even more, and will end up with the following for each level:
Fluency Course 1 (aimed at JHS 1st years or 2nd years)
Textbook 1a (units 1-24) 230 pages
Textbook 1b (units 25-48) 230 pages
Workbook 1 (units 1-48) 100 pages
All components are incorporated into the textbook now.
Fluency Course 2 (aimed at JHS 2nd years or 3rd years)
Textbook 2a (units 1-24) 200+ pages
Textbook 2b (units 25-48) 200+ pages
Workbook 2 (units 1-48) 100 pages
All components are incorporated into the textbook now.
Fluency Course 3 (aimed at JHS 3rd years or high school students)
Textbook 3a (units 1-24) 200+ pages
Textbook 3b (units 25-48) 200+ pages
All components are incorporated into the textbook now.
I know it has been a long wait, but the materials have definitely improved in the latest iteration so hopefully it will be worth it. There should be samples available this year, and some small orders may be possible.