Humans Need Not Apply

The end of work… and not in a good way

So I’ve been banging on about this for months now, but someone has made a very watchable video about it. Take a look and then think about the future.

Pretty chilling stuff, eh.

19 Aug 2014, 11:14am
by markingifu


I was good with it until “Creative Snowflakes” got the boot. I was banking on it for my retirement. Oh well, I guess I’m doomed for the pasture.

Right? That was my fall-back plan too…

Oh, well. There’s always buying a cabin in the woods and growing your own food!

20 Aug 2014, 2:06pm
by markingifu


Here in Japan, the countryside needs people not bots. So Ben, we get some cheap land and start our own commune for old English teachers.

Funny! My plan for a while has been to buy an old village in Aomori or Akita in ten-fifteen years and rename it Ben Mura 🙂

21 Aug 2014, 11:21am
by markingifu

I like it! Can I live there? The only problem will be getting my wife to put up with the cold and snow.


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