24 Dec 2013, 12:00pm
greeting personal


Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good holiday

I’m about to embark on my annual cooking adventure.

christmas dinner

(it won’t look like that)

As well as cooking, I’ll be doing a special extensive reading workshop for Tohoku University staff on Thursday, so hopefully we’ll have a video of that up by the end of the week.

I’ll also be doing my annual review at some point over the weekend. Very much recommend this exercise if you don’t do it already.

Enjoy the holidays and keep checking back here: I’m planning to keep to my Tuesday-Friday posting schedule and you wouldn’t want to miss any of my pearls of wisdom 😉



…good luck with the cooking adventure…
…and happy holidays!

Same to you, Oli! Hope to meet up for a game in 2014 🙂


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