Happy New Year!
Greetings, my non-existent readers! I know it`s a bit late to be doing the HNY stuff, but I figured I would try to get it in before Feb. Hope things are going well for you.
Here everything is much of a muchness, the Mid-year Conference is over and things are settling down a bit. Sendai is still really cold.
We got through 140 litres of kerosene last week. Wow.
Merry Christmas!
Season’s greetings from Dronfield, UK! Here I am in the family home, for the first Christmas in six years 😉
It’s been great so far, and the scent of roasting turkey wafting up the stairs makes me think it’s going to stay great.
Hope you are having happy holidays, whoever and wherever you are.
is turning up at 11am for the 10am opening, and meeting people you know who have been there since 6!
Apple is coming to town…
Or rather, came today. The store opened at 10am, I figured if I sauntered down there around 11 I could have a quick look around and maybe get a free t-shirt (the first 1000 customers were to get them)…