30 Mar 2006, 12:46am

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Seizing up

My new weights routine is killing me: one step at a time. I now have three distinct workouts, and starting each one is basically unleashing a fresh round of pain on me. Only one more to debut, then I can work on getting used to them 😉

This seminar on Friday is starting to worry me. I normally have a much better idea of how the thing is going to go by this stage…

It was snowing again today. Snowing.

24 Mar 2006, 10:21pm

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New site, new music, new life

Hey kids

Found some cool stuff: website called youtube.com, hip hop artist called Immortal Technique, and more happiness about where I work.

We had the leaving party today and it was pretty cool for once: managed to talk to a few people and had a good time. Maybe next year will be a good one…

Lots of work tomorrow, so have to drink my water and process the alchohol 😉

21 Mar 2006, 11:00pm

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Jedi cat

Jedi cat, originally uploaded by sendaiben.

The felon herself (claws retracted at this point, she`s in stealth mode).

21 Mar 2006, 10:54pm

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Death Cat

I just got jumped by Tiddles. After suffering numerous claw wounds to the forearm, I am now quietly reacting allergically. Ow.

In other news, it looks like CEC may not be heading for the fifty students we were hoping for… Despite our advertising efforts, we have so far only got one new student (and even she`s not fully signed up yet). This business lark is harder than I suspected!

Ben out.

16 Mar 2006, 10:26pm

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Sushi and strawberry cream cake

It was Yuki`s birthday today, so we went out for sushi and came back for cake.

The bummer is that it has started raining again 🙁

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